Friday, November 9, 2012

Strike Out

In an earlier blog labeled Curve Ball, I posted that I am trying to find me. Well it would seem I still have not done so. Although, I do not think a person ever truly finds themselves. It would seem that when I do think I am finally figuring things out life tosses me some fine curve balls, and I always, always strike out. More recently would be, my mother getting sick, a miscarrige, a break-up, and possibly another, school on the hand is going okay. It feels like however, I just don,t get a break from the drama, I do not want the drama!!! I hate when peole constantly have drama, and here I am always having it. I feel at some sense I don't have control over it, or anything else in my life latly. In a way I feel that I lost any self control and self respect awhile ago. I think, that I am also at an almost all time low. I am thinking about doing things I never in a million years would have otherwise thought of doin, I feel that alot of what has happend is absolutly my faul. I always thought I was a strong minded person, now I think I am very, very weak minded, and I want my own being back. I have defintly, defintly had alot of strike outs.

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