Saturday, September 24, 2011

Good Days

Today I got very few pledges on the main list, but when I got into a special list i blew it out of the water and got alot of pledges, which for a telemarketer is a big deal. I was so over joyed despite my earlier jounal/bog post I had said something different, my day was made i actully came home and ate and seems how i had only ate three times  in three days total and when i had eaten it was a way to get away from people, but not to actually eat was an improvement, i thought hey mabe i will be okay.and then about a twenty minute ago the dark thoughts came back and i again cried, and i again cry as i wright, it seems that even when i am feeling okay i am feeling terrible. I want it to end so badly but i will be strong no matter how i hurt or am in pain. I will be strong because i can not fail. I will be strong because thats what is expected of me, to some people i am a success story and i will be strong for them, but i will still hurt so i write in hopes to place a little bit of the burden somewhere else. This is so hard and the feelings overwhelming but i will make it.

This blog is much like a journal to me, on some of my post there are labels journals, this blog is not a sob story but how how truly feel.

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